Disclaimer : All the Pictures in this post have taken from public domains & copyright of these belongs to respective owners.
Darbaar Sahib (Golden Temple),Amritsar,Punjab,India |
This is a picture taken from directly above these camels in the desert at sunset. It is considered to be one of the best pictures of the year. When you look closely, you can see that the camels are the little white lines in the picture. The black images you see are just the shadows! |
Rain Fall In Bangalore(India) As Seen From Nandi Hills
The day niagara froze ,1911
This was how the Taj Mahal was protected from bomber jets in 1942 during world war. It was covered with huge scaffold, to make it look like a stockpile of bamboo and misguide bombers. I think the covering is still incomplete in this photo. It seems the whole of Taj Mahal was covered but this picture shows only the main dome covered. Maybe the govt didnt allow any photographers later to shoot the final scaffold cover.
During the India-Pakistan war in 1971, it was protected by covering it with a green cloth and making it almost invisible i.e camouflaged within the greenery around it. Even in 2001, after the Sep 11 attack, Archaeological Survey of India took up the precautionary measure to cover it with cloth and it took them more than 20 days to do that!!
A Highway through a Building !!!! Gate Tower Building is a 16-story office building in, Osaka, Japan. And what makes it notable is the highway that passes through the 5th-7th floors of this building.
This is also taken from world's tallest building 'Burj Dubai' Look at the edge (uppermost right corner) of the picture, you can almost see the turn of the earth The persons who are working on the upper most Girders can see the 'ROTATION OF EARTH'
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Shake your heads seeing this picture! Amazing illusion!!(Indian Actor -
Raghav Sharma
New Delhi,India
Just darn awesome!!!