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Thought of the Day__ “Life is too short to wake up with regrets,So love the people who treat you right, and forget the ones who don't ....”

Saturday 19 May 2012

Act Responsibly


Thanks to God, blogs haven’t yet been blocked, but a Delhi High Court asked other internet firms including Facebook, Google and YouTube to look at China and have stringent checks on the content on internet.

I wonder whether phone companies could be sued if someone sends obscene message. I think we can’t sue gravity if you fall on ground and hurt your nose. Am I right?

Where countries in north are using social media to bring in democracy, a democratic country like India is trying to restrict it… This is not done...
I would rather believe in self-regulation by the user .When government gives you freedom ... one should respect the democracy and must not misuse it.

I don’t want India to become like China, and should think of good things which the internet has contributed to society. As a matter of fact, China has most sophisticated web filters in the world and network in constantly censored.

Did You Know …?

  • ·         India ranks second best in Asia after South Korea in online freedom.

  • ·         Web Freedom                                                 

       Best (not filtered)                            Partly Filtered                                                  Worst(Restricted)
   USA                                                             India                                                                     China
   Brazil                                                            Mexico                                                                 Burma
   South Africa                                                  Egypt                                                                    Cuba
   UK                                                                Kenya                                                                   Iran
   Australia                                                         Indonesia                                                           
   Italy                                                                Russia

Courtesy- Internet

Being a commerce student, I must look its impact on corporate sector.
For a corporate sector social media is now the barometer of customer satisfaction level. These days company heavily uses the social networking platform.

What I feel is we should act responsibly to avoid government interference. The only kind of censorship that can work on the net is self-imposed.

Raghav Sharma

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