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Thought of the Day__ “Life is too short to wake up with regrets,So love the people who treat you right, and forget the ones who don't ....”

Friday 12 August 2011

"Freedom was/is given by the blood that was/is shed by many of the soldiers who fought/fight for our country everyday."                       God Bless India....
"Saare Jahan Sae Acha Hindustan Hamara"

Soldiers don't fight cause they hate what's in front of them,they fight cause they LOVE whats behind it !! This independence day I want to give thanks to those who defend democracy, for they bear the gift of liberty and pay the price of freedom.Thanks to all the people who fight and sacrifice for our freedom. I am blessed to be part of a great country. Much Thanks to all the soldiers for putting their lives on hold and in the line of danger for all of us to have our freedoms here in the INDIA. As we approach Independence Day, remember...The Indian flag does not fly because the wind moves past it. The Indian flag flies from the last breath of each Indian Soldiers..

Happy Independence Day


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